Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Days

Breakfast is a meal I have had to force myself to enjoy.  Now that I am eating right for my gut, I realize that an appropriate breakfast is the building block of a healthy day.  I try hard to stay with my triangle of protein, good vegetable carbohydrate and good fat and find that I have more energy throughout the day if I can hit that target.

I had leftover ham and leftover brussel sprouts so I reheated them and fried and egg in coconut oil.  It was easy and satisfying and even looked kind of pretty.

In an effort to exercise and enjoy the coolness of the canyons, we took a nice hike up Little Cottonwood Canyon.  The rocks were a good work out, but I was afraid of snakes and had to turn back for fear of falling off the mountain at the steep parts.  Across the canyon by the raging river there was a beautiful shaded grove of pine trees which smelled so delicious.  That spot is my idea of heaven, just no snakes!

My friend is very kind and made gluten-free maple pastries for the people in her family who are allergic to wheat.  She had some dough left over and I rolled out the dough into a square, wrapped up a hot dog and brushed it with coconut oil and baked it in the oven.  It was so delicious.  I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten a corn dog.  The dough was a ready-made mix she found at the grocery store (Harmons) and it was the closest thing to regular dough I have seen yet.  It did give me some heart burn (any type of grain flour seems to cause me heart burn) but no stomach trouble and it will be worth the discomfort as an occasional special treat.

I have been making my own yogurt to introduce good bacteria as outlined by the Specific Carbohydrate Diet  (SCD) and confirmed, once again, that I just don't like yogurt.  I am eating it anyway, but putting it in a smoothie or a lot of fruit to drown out the taste and change the texture.  Bleah.  I made yogurt with coconut milk and it was not smooth or delicious, rather, it was tart and clumpy.  I would rather take a pill, but it is necessary to ferment the yogurt for at least 24 hours to get the right enzymes and bacteria.  I need to study it more.  I am trying to fit it in my diet and am welcome to any and all suggestions.

Speaking of the SCD, it is impossible.  It is a rare day that I can completely follow the guidelines.  I do quite well most of time, but find myself taking a drink of something or eating a bite of something I shouldn't.  I think my subconscious is already taxed to the limit with avoiding gluten and dairy and corn products and just doesn't want to stop eating sugar and gluten-free grains.  That subconscious of mine tries to sabotage me all of the time.  In addition to the daily mistakes, I truly miss a cheat day.  SCD calls for total dedication for at least two months and I just don't have it in me.  I feel picked on already and restricting my diet even more makes me lose my motivation to eat healthy.  I so admire people with the will power and drive to tell their subconscious to piss off and eat right.  I hope to find that kind of strength at some point.

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