Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chronic Illness and Firefighting

Chronic Illness and Firefighting

     Having a chronic illness is similar to having a rubber tire fire raging through your body.  Rubber tires burn a long time and require a lot of work and manpower to combat.  The body tries to battle the blaze but there are only so many resources. 

     The body has a team of firefighters  in the form of the immune system, specifically white blood cells, trying to keep the body healthy. 

     Everything we eat is processed by the body as a medicine, a poison or a neutral food. If we eat something that we cannot tolerate, our fire fighters must rush to combat the new threat.  As we consume things which are viewed by the body to be poison, our immune system tries to fight, but resources are thin and tired.

     When we eat foods which act like medicine to our body, we are not only leaving the fire fighters to continue working on the chronic problems, but we are, in effect, providing the National Guard to assist with the fighting
     Whenever possible, we should make the choise to eat foods which do not harm us.  Neutral foods don't cause problems, but foods which act like medicine will help us feel better and fight illness.
     I read a book on eating right for my blood type and have incorporated it into my eating routine.  I found the book at Barnes and Noble and try to eat foods which act as medicine whenever possible to leave my immune system free to work on fixing the long-term problems.

1 comment:

  1. I love this quote from
    "It's not the ten commandments, here folks, it's a framework. As long as you are honoring more in the observance than in the breach, you are on the right track."
