If you aren't able to hunt and fish for your own food to stock your freezer, you can purchase wild, pasture-fed, grass-fed animal products online or at a local farm. Nora G provides a link to a great resource:
I went to this website and found a participating farm within 10 miles of where I live. I took a tour of the farm and met the cows and pigs and chickens I would be eating soon. They were fat and sassy and pretty happy on the free-range farm. The farm mails products and also has store hours to purchase packaged products.
They have multiple huge freezers in a barn-like structure with all different products packaged and priced to sell individually. They were already out of bacon, so I noted that the bacon must be good. They take orders and you can purchase an entire cow or pig and pick it up freshly slaughtered. I'm going to work my way up to that.
They sell fresh eggs along with chickens and turkeys and also offer raw milk. Interesting side note I learned while at the farm: anyone purchasing raw milk must sign a waiver stating they are aware of the dangers of drinking raw milk after the "use by" date. Raw milk can kill you if consumed after it goes bad. Pasteurized milk will make you sick after it goes bad, but won't necessarily kill you. Good to know.
My local store has started carrying wild-caught salmon and other fish, so I am moving close and closer to eating wild all the time instead of when I can. My long-term goal is to one day have my own small farm and have fresh eggs, omega fortified, and my own chickens and turkeys. I doubt I could deal with anything larger than that and actually eat it, so I am going to keep my food at a distance for now.
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