I believe, part of the process of finding a good diet is not just blindly following some prescribed magic combination of items, or following what the latest "experts", FDA, research, religion or fad diet that comes along proposes.
I have a strong belief that I am the expert on my body. My body, if I listen, will tell me all I need to know.
This holiday season is the first time I've eaten any significant amount of refined sugar since March.
It has had quite the impact.
My tongue certainly enjoyed it.
My body, not so much.
I find this disappointing.
I was hoping it wouldn't effect me, much like when I removed dairy and reintroduced it without any difference.
I now eat a significant amount of dairy. Pastured butter, cheese, and heavy cream.
Looks like refined sugar will be out.
Sorry :< I have been eating sugar during the holidays as well and have had headaches and stomach problems and don't really feel that great. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to a strict diet to just feel better.