Tuesday, January 17, 2012

8 Week Healthy Living Challenge, Day 2

What did I eat today?

Breakfast-1 egg, scrambled in 1 tsp coconut oil with spinach mixed in, green tea
Morning Snack-Banana, almonds, cup of coconut milk, vitamins and supplements
Lunch-Nothing, I was busy fixing the battery on my car
Afternoon Snack-Nothing, not home, still fixing the stupid battery cables
Dinner- Meatsa, one half of my lunch container, green tea
Evening Snack- The other half of my Meatsa, spinach, V8 with coconut oil

I have mastered eating gluten free and do very well eating paleo.  Now I am working on eating smaller portions and exercising during the healthy challenge time period.  My goal is not to lose weight, per se, but to reach a healthy weight and feel well.

Lisa, our personal trainer at work, provided instructions to make a SMART weight loss goal.  SMART is an acronym fo Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-Bound.  My goal is "On Monday, January 23, I will feel strong and full of energy at 199 pounds by eating smaller portions, making healthy food choices and exercising every day, alternating paleo cardio and weight training."

I have a goal to lose 1 pound in a week and would like to eventually be at my target weight of 160 pounds.  When I started eating paleo, I was at 245 pounds.  I have pretty much eaten as much as I wanted, within the paleo guidelines, and did minimal exercising to reach the 200 pounds I am at now.  It is the first time in my entire life that I have actually been able to lose weight in a healthy manner and feel good.

My physical goals are to sleep only 8 hours a day, instead of 10 or 12, stretch every day, do some sort of exercise I enjoy and practice wall sits and push ups to improve my strength.

One thing I have found which helps me stay on track is to keep a list of things I crave on my wish list of cheat items.  When I have my cheat day I can then look at the list and see if I still really, really want what I have written down.  It is a good way to track if my cravings go away over time and work on self-gratification.

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