Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back on the wagon, or canoe

Climbing back on the paleo wagon after the holidays was similar to trying to pull my previously 245 pound body into a canoe after spilling out in the middle of a lake.  I had to get back in the canoe because the water was freezing and I wouldn't make it to shore if I tried to swim.  It was hard to start eating strictly paleo again, but I did it because I know that it works and I feel great and I don't want to die in the middle of a metaphorical freezing lake.

Eating paleo has melted 45 pounds off my frame.  I did not anticipate any weight loss because I have NEVER been able to lose weight.  In the past 30 years I have tried many, many different eating plans  and never felt any better and never lost weight.  I didn't take a before and after picture when I started because I knew that I might feel better from eating paleo, but that it wouldn't make any difference with how much I weighed.  I did finally take a "before" picture  at 200 pounds to track changes.

I set dates in my calendar to identify when I stopped eating sugar and grains and when I could start back up six months later.  I set a goal to try it for six months and see how I felt.  The date was May 25, 2011 and six months later, my pants were loose and I had lost 30 pounds just from eating paleo.  I was trying to exercise more, but failing miserably.  I was so excited that I felt so good and that I had actually lost weight that I kept doing it.

What I love the most is that my food tastes naughty.  It isn't like any diet plan.  For breakfast this morning I had a pork chop and two eggs cooked crisp in coconut oil and a cup of V8 with a teaspoon of coconut oil melted into it.  It was delicious and satisfying and hit all the points of my health triangle: protein, vegetable carbohydrate and good saturated fat.

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